Daughter dream meaning and kabbalah number

The daughter in dreams indicates strong femininity and strong emotion, this type of interpretation is not always true. But it is much easier to associate a stronger sensitivity to women than to a boy or a male child. In some cultures, a daughter represents fertility and is a symbol of good omen for many young mothers. Often daughters will appear in a dream immediately after a discussion or news that may concern them.

The daughter in dreams often arouses strong concerns or a strong fear for those we love and have close. It is very common to dream of one's daughter in difficult situations precisely because of the fear of not being able to protect her or not being able to comfort him. This expresses a strong interest in the life of their children and sometimes also indicates a strong bond. On the contrary, it can indicate the absence of a parent in the life of your child.

Meaning of the daughter in dreams

Adult daughter - dreaming of an adult daughter represents the moment of growth, the transition from one period of a young person's life to another. An adult child has more responsibilities and automatically becomes more independent. Dreaming of one's grown children indicates that we are ready to accept these new changes and what they entail.

Newborn daughter, baby girl - this dream may refer to a moment of nostalgia for the past, but dreaming of young or newborn children normally indicates new possibilities and new changes. Especially for those who have a strong maternal spirit, it indicates the strong desire to start starting a family. Dreaming of a female infant can indicate the desire to have a female baby.

Dreaming of losing a daughter - this dream expresses concern for a parent when the daughter leaves (for work, studies, etc.). Especially when young children grow up and gradually begin to acquire their independence, it is normal for parents to feel a strong lack and not want to leave their children for various paranoias.

Dreaming kidnapped daughter - the kidnapping of one's children in dreams indicates a strong fear on the part of a parent of separation. Many parents have many difficulties in detaching themselves from their children and tend to oppress them or not want to detach themselves, thus giving them less space and less independence. Kidnapping in dreams also indicates taking someone against his will, some women often find themselves in the night dreaming of kidnapping other people's children and this can indicate a strong desire for repressed motherhood.

Dreaming of a daughter in hospital - it can often happen to have a dream like this immediately after someone is sick, in this case, if we have a sick girl or who has just recovered from a disease, it is perfectly normal to dream of her in a hospital. In the world of dreams, hospitals do not represent something negative, often they indicate the full recovery of the patient.

Dreaming about falling daughter - in dream interpretations, the fall represents a loss of balance by the individual. In this case, a parent may have a particular concern with his daughter and seeing her fall can indicate that she is no longer stable with her inner self.

Dreaming of a daughter who vomits - unlike what you commonly think, dreaming of someone we know who vomits is not a bad thing at all. In the symbolism of the dream world, vomiting takes on a very explicit meaning. Dreaming of someone who vomits indicates the release of someone from a burden that is difficult to bear. In this case, dreaming of your vomiting daughter can indicate just that. We have witnessed a difficult period and now it finally ends and we know that after the long-suffering he will be better.

Dreaming dead daughter - death in dreams can be interpreted as a symbolic passage. Often it happens that our inner self goes through a profound change, dreaming of a dying daughter can represent this passage and the presence of a new self. If our children are going through a growth phase or an important moment in their lives, seeing her die can also mean this. In other contexts, death can represent a very strong concern on the part of the dreamer who fears for the health of his daughter who sees him die.

Dreaming of drowned, drowning or drowning daughter - contrary to common thought, dreaming of drowning children is a fairly recurrent dream on the part of a parent. This dream represents a fairly clear metaphor, our unconscious tries to make us understand that children are oppressed by disturbances and anxieties created mainly by our parents. Often a person who has a strong maternal (or paternal) instinct will never admit that they are wrong in not wanting to let go of their child. However, this can have serious repercussions on the type of relationship between the two, creating a series of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Dreaming of sick daughter - in dreams disease often expresses a kind of momentary weakness on the part of the subject who is afflicted in the dream. Often, however, diseases do not indicate physical pain but refer more to a psychological disorder. In this case, dreaming of your sick daughter indicates our awareness of a bad period that is going through.

Dreaming pregnant daughter - pregnancy can be interpreted in many different ways. In many cases it can also indicate a symbolic state - it can refer to our inner self which must come out because it has undergone changes. Dreaming of a pregnant daughter can also mean that as a subject she is very fruitful and therefore she is close to giving birth to something (not necessarily someone). Pregnancy also indicates huge changes in an individual's everyday life that will bring new things to come. Childbirth instead indicates new life and new opportunities. It represents an inner work and the child is not necessarily a real child but can also be a symbolic child.

Dreaming of your child who gives birth - it can indicate changes in your life many times progress, but childbirth will not always have positive results. Sometimes there may be complications, in which case it indicates repression or rejection. If there are complications, it means that whoever is having the child is refusing to accept the changes that his inner self is ready to make.

Dreaming of a daughter who gets married - marriage represents a very important change in the life of every young adult when a parent dreams of a son who is getting married, this indicates a novelty in the life of the latter. This turning point does not necessarily refer only to the sentimental sphere, but can also refer to the professional sphere.

Dreaming of a daughter dressed as a bride - the wedding dress indicates big changes coming and above all big responsibilities. Just like marriage, the dress indicates a very specific commitment that will entail a series of changes - obviously, as we have already said, these changes do not necessarily coincide with the sentimental life of the individual.

Dreaming of your daughter wearing a white dress - indicates precisely how to close one chapter of her life and then start another. Obviously, a wedding dress can also indicate an upcoming wedding.

Meaning of this dream and number according to Kabbalah
  • Seeing your daughter or son - economic worries - lucky number 25
  • Dreaming of having a son or daughter - next pregnancy - lucky number 90


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